Friday, December 14, 2012

Boldly Going

It is time for me to start posting more often on this blog and expand its content a bit. Two of my interests beyond astronomy are reading/watching science fiction and listening to movie soundtracks.

My interest in music started somewhere around the time that Flandrau Planetarium opened to the public in 1975. They used to give out a list of what music was used in their shows and I started tracking down the various pieces of classical music that had been incorporated into the shows. By 1977 the soundtrack to Star Wars by John Williams came on the scene and for me there was no turning back.

Early influences in getting me into science fiction were the Apollo Moon landings; my 5th grade teacher, who read aloud Robert Heinlein's Red Planet and Have Spacesuit--Will Travel; and the original Star Trek TV series. I have been watching Star Trek for so long, that I have no memory of seeing any of the 79 episodes for the first time. They have just always been there.

Given my interest in movie soundtracks, I guess it should be of no surprise that I had to order this massive 15-cd box set of music from the original Star Trek released by La-La Land Records that just came out. The limited edition set contains all of the music recorded for the series - some of it was never even used.

The set arrived here at Visible Suns earlier this week and I thought that it might be fun to work my way through both re-watching the episodes and listening to the music while posting reviews of each here on the blog.

I will still be posting cool things about astronomy, the war on light pollution and the like, but I hope that this expansion will be enjoyable for those that visit the blog.

Look for a review of the first pilot for Star Trek, The Cage, to appear sometime this weekend.

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